Pediatric Occupational Therapy in the South Bay Los Angeles
DIR Floortime | Torrance

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Torrance CA | Palos Verdes | Redondo Beach | Hermosa Beach | Manhattan Beach
and other neighboring cities to the South Bay LA!

We use DIR Floortime frameworks to assess your child’s development.

Child-led play is our method to advance skills.

Floortime is for children of all developmental levels who experience challenges with self-regulation, attention, and play.

If you have questions about whether your child would benefit, contact us

DIR Floortime at Ground to Grow Supports:

  • Communication and social skills
  • Self-help and adaptive skills
  • Sensory processing for community integration (visual, auditory, tactile, proprioception, vestibular)
  • Self-advocacy and peer interactions
  • Relationship building

    We look closely at your child’s individual differences and developmental levels to provide strategies to facilitate social skill development for daily life and community integration. Ongoing intervention will include play sessions with parent collaboration and participation.

We consider:

What does DIR stand for?


Developmental: We take a whole-child approach to determine where your child falls developmentally and we meet them there. The basis of development relies on our ability to self-regulate and engage in reciprocal interactions. From there, problem solving and symbolic play begin to emerge. Our comprehensive knowledge of developmental milestones allows us to facilitate a flexible and free-flowing play environment that meets your child where they are at in any given moment.

Individual Differences

Individual Differences: No two children are the same. We look at the way your child interacts with the world, what their interests are, their social emotional needs and how they respond to their environment. With provision of gentle guidance, we recognize a child’s developing autonomy and and honor neurodivergent minds. Our observations span a variety of different skill areas including sensory processing, language, fine/gross motor skills, visuospatial skills, motor planning, biomedical factors, and sociocultural factors. In order to gain insight into your child’s interactions with the world, we consider and understand all the pieces that unite as their unique presentation.


Relationship-based: Floortime is all about building relationships. This is the magic of floor time. We use interpersonal connection, emotional expression and co-regulation as a stepping stone to build skills. Play is our method of intervention. We will be on the floor with you and your child. We use parent coaching to promote carry-over across home and community settings.